
Shredder Build Status

Remote video encoding platform


$ git clone [email protected]:eSited/shredder.git
$ cd shredder
$ npm install


First, setup a local config file like so.

'use strict';
module.exports = {
  mysql: {
    username: 'foo',
  master: {
    enabled: true,
    username: 'myusername',
    password: 'mypassword'
  worker: {
    enabled: true,
    username: 'myusername',
    password: 'mypassword'

Of course any additional overrides can be added to the config here.

Second, start the system.

$ node app


The default test suite can be ran using npm

$ npm test

For development a more interactive test method might be best

$ mocha -R spec --watch

Debug Logging

All debug logging now uses the package.

The following can be used to see all messages (typically used in dev)

$ DEBUG=shredder* node app

From there follow the debug filtering rules defined


Example Shredder API interaction using the express webserver.

'use strict';
//this example uses promises. its just easier :)
var P = require('bluebird')
//we use request to send the inital call
var request = require('request')

//we must setup a webserver to receive updates
var bodyParser = require('bodyParser')
var express = require('express')
var http = require('http')
var app = express()
var server = http.createServer(3000,'',app)

//setup middleware to handle JSONP

//setup our route to handle the update'/shredder/update',function(req,res){
  console.log('got a shredder update',req.body)

//make some promises

//start our server
var session = {}
var jobHandle = ''
    //first login
    return request.postAsync({
      url: 'http://localhost:5980/user/login',
      json: {
        username: 'myusername',
        password: 'mypassword'
    if(body && body.error) throw new Error(body.error)
    //save the session
    session = body.session
    //make the actual job creation request
    return request.postAsync({
      url: 'http://localhost:5980/job/create',
      json: {
        description: {
          callback: {
            request: { url: 'http://localhost:3000/shredder/update' }
          resource: [
              name: 'thumbnail',
              request: { url: 'http://localhost/foo.png' }
              name: 'video',
              request: { url: 'http://localhost/bar.mp4' }
          save: ['thumbnail','video']
      if(body && body.error) throw new Error(body.error)
      //save the handle maybe do some db work before starting the job
      jobHandle = body.handle
      //start the job
      return request.postAsync({
        url: 'http://localhost:5980/job/start',
        json: {
          handle: jobHandle
      if(body && body.error) throw new Error(body.error)
      console.log(jobHandle + ' job started!')

API Reference

Shredder exposes itself through an HTTPs JSONP API.



  • username Username
  • password Password


  • success
  • session The resulting session object


Session required


  • success


  • description required Object or JSON see below
  • priority optional Number (closer to 0 higher priority)
  • handle optional If a handle is desired place it here. It must be 12 alpha numeric characters and must not already be in use.


  • handle Job handle to start


  • success


  • handle


Job details object



Update a job. This can only be done before it has been started.


  • handle
  • priority
  • description


Remove a job. This can only be done before it has been started.


  • handle

Job Description

A job description can be JSON or an object. It will be stored as JSON internally until the job is processed by a worker.

  //setup callback handler that will notify of completion/abort/error
  callback: {
    //these options are passed to node-request
    request: {
      url: 'http://localhost/myapp/jobUpdate'
  //options pertaining to the source file
  resource: [
      //the name is used to write the resource file in the job folder
      name: 'video.mp4',
      //passed to node-request
      request: {
        url: 'http://localhost/tmp/24zsf'
    //if we want to watermark our video lets grab that image
      name: 'watermark.png',
      request: {
        url: 'http://localhost/watermark.png'
    //to make a dubbed version we want to download our dubbed audio track
      name: 'dubbed-audio.mp3',
      request: {
        url: 'http://localhost/myvideo-dubbed.mp3'
    //it may also be useful to use the chain to extract data from intermediate pages
      name: 'protected-video-with-regexp.mp4',
      request: [
        //first make the request to extract content
          //passed to node-request
          request: {
          parse: {
            //notice here that 'file' is the name of the parameter the result will be assigned too
            file: '(\w+)' //any regular expression is valid but must only return one selection
        //second we use the content we extracted
          request: {
            url: '#{file}'
  //options that are used to control the augmentation of resources
  augment: [
    // programs are ran in the same folder as the job so paths are relative
      program: 'ffmpeg',
      args: ['-i','video.mp4','-metadata','title="Video 1"','-s','hd1080','-y','hdvideo.mp4']
      program: 'mp4box',
      command: ['-inter','1250','-hint','-isma','-noprog','hdvideo.mp4']



  • Completion of main features
  • Bring sdk up to 1.1.3
  • Fix dispatch system
  • Add notification callbacks
  • Implement status lookup
  • Implement content existence
  • Implement content download


  • Overhauled to be a self contained cluster
  • API re-imagined to simpler to use
  • Extracted from the OOSE package
DescriptionShredder Cloud Compute System